
(重定向自Disaster modding



首先要在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/disasters下创建一个新文件。这里以发生在新世界的瘟疫举例:


influenza_epidemic = {



potential = {
        NOT = {
                has_country_flag = had_influenza_epidemic
        OR = {
                technology_group = north_american
                technology_group = mesoamerican
                technology_group = andean
                technology_group = south_american
        any_country = {
                technology_group = western
                has_discovered = ROOT



can_start = {
        has_any_disaster = no
        is_year = 1500


can_stop = {
        has_any_disaster = yes


progress = {
        modifier = {
                factor = 1
                any_country = {
                        technology_group = western
                        has_discovered = ROOT
        modifier = {
                factor = 2
                any_neighbor_country = {
                        technology_group = western
        modifier = {
                factor = 1
                any_neighbor_country = {
                        OR = {
                                has_country_flag = had_influenza_epidemic
                                has_disaster = influenza_epidemic



can_end = {
        had_country_flag = { flag = flu_epidemic days = 3650 }
        stability = 2



modifier = {
        global_unrest = 3
        stability_cost_modifier = 0.5


on_start = epidemic.1
on_end = epidemic.2



on_start_effect = {
     custom_tooltip = epidemic_tooltip


on_monthly = {
        events = {
        random_events = { 
                1000 = 0
                100 = epidemic.3
                100 = epidemic.4	

"events" 中的事件会在每月周期中都会触发,而"random_events"中的随机事件何时触发,取决于列表中给每个事件的权重:这里,有5/6的概率不发生事件,发生两个事件的概率各为1/12。 0



influenza_epidemic: "瘟疫爆发"
desc_influenza_epidemic: "本国正在遭受白皮恶魔从海洋另一边带来的可怕瘟疫。"


灾难图标的位置在/Europa Universalis IV/gfx/interface/disasters。一个图标文件内要做三个版本的图标:进度增长时的彩色标志、爆发后,带有火光的标志,以及潜在灾难的灰色标志。

最后在/Europa Universalis IV/interface/countrystabilityview.gfx添加如下文字(使用np++打开),以让你的图标出现在稳定与扩张界面中。

spriteType = {
 name = "GFX_disaster_influenza_epidemic"
 texturefile = "gfx//interface//disasters//influenza_epidemic.dds"
 noOfFrames = 3
 loadType = "INGAME"





castilian_civil_war = {
	potential = {
		tag = CAS
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_cas_civil_war }
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		exists = ARA
		exists = POR
		ARA = {
			is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		POR = {
			is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		government = monarchy
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
		uses_doom = no

civil_war = {
	potential = {
		num_of_cities = 5
		any_owned_province = {
			base_tax = 5
			is_capital = no
		government = monarchy
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_civil_war }

counts_feud = {
	potential = {
		tag = DAN
		government = monarchy
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_counts_feud  }

court_and_country = {
	potential = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_court_and_country }
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		current_age = age_of_absolutism
		num_of_cities = 8

empire_of_china_in_name = {
	potential = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_empire_of_china_culture_disaster }
		is_emperor_of_china = yes
		has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
		NOT = { culture_group = east_asian }

empire_of_china_nomadic_border = {
	potential = {
		has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven"
		is_emperor_of_china = yes

english_civil_war = {
	potential = {
		OR = {
			AND = {
				tag = ENG
				NOT = { exists = GBR }
			tag = GBR
		NOT = { has_country_flag = eng_civil_war_happened }
		has_reform = english_monarchy
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		is_lesser_in_union = no
		british_isles_region = {
			owned_by = ROOT
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes

estate_brahmins_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_dlc = "Dharma"
		has_estate = estate_brahmins
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_brahmins
			influence = 80

estate_burghers_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_estate = estate_burghers
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_burghers
			influence = 80

estate_church_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_estate = estate_church
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_church
			influence = 80

estate_cossacks_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_estate = estate_cossacks
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_cossacks
			influence = 80
		OR = {
			NOT = { has_country_flag = cossack_estate_triggered }
			had_country_flag = {
				flag = cossack_estate_triggered
				days = 365

estate_dhimmi_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_estate = estate_dhimmi
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_dhimmi
			influence = 80
		OR = {
			NOT = { has_country_flag = dhimmi_estate_triggered }
			had_country_flag = {
				flag = dhimmi_estate_triggered
				days = 365

estate_jains_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_dlc = "Dharma"
		has_estate = estate_jains
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_jains
			influence = 80

estate_maratha_disaster = {

	potential = {
		has_dlc = "Dharma"
		has_estate = estate_maratha
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_maratha
			influence = 80
		OR = {
			NOT = { has_country_flag = estate_maratha_triggered }
			had_country_flag = {
				flag = estate_maratha_triggered
				days = 365

estate_nobility_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_estate = estate_nobles
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_nobles
			influence = 80

estate_nomadic_tribes_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_nomadic_tribes
			influence = 80

estate_rajput_disaster = {

	potential = {
		has_dlc = "Dharma"
		has_estate = estate_rajput
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_rajput
			influence = 80
		OR = {
			NOT = { has_country_flag = estate_rajput_triggered }
			had_country_flag = {
				flag = estate_rajput_triggered
				days = 365

estate_vaisyas_disaster = {
	potential = {
		has_dlc = "Dharma"
		has_estate = estate_vaisyas
		estate_influence = {
			estate = estate_vaisyas
			influence = 80

french_revolution = {
	potential = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_revolution }
		tag = FRA
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		NOT = { revolution_target_exists = yes }
		government = monarchy
		NOT = { has_reform = celestial_empire }
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
french_wars_of_religion = {
	potential = {
		tag = FRA
		religion_group = christian
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_religious_turmoil } 
		NOT = { has_country_flag = FRA_wars_of_religion_ended } 
		OR = {
			religion = catholic
			religion = protestant
			religion = reformed
		is_force_converted = no
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes

granada_succession_war = {
	potential = {
		OR = {
			tag = GRA
			tag = ADU
		NOT = {
			has_country_flag = had_granada_succession_war
		num_of_cities = 2
		any_owned_province = {
			is_capital = no
			is_core = ROOT
		government = monarchy
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
		NOT = {
			is_year = 1455

internal_conflicts = {
	potential = {
		num_of_cities = 10
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		NOT = {
			has_country_flag = had_internal_conflicts
		is_year = 1500

janissary_decadence = {
	potential = {
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
		has_reform = ottoman_government
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_janissary_decadence }

aspiration_for_liberty = {
	potential = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_liberalism }
		NOT = { current_size_of_parliament = 1 }
		uses_doom = no
		num_of_cities = 5
		current_age = age_of_revolutions
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		NOT = { has_reform = revolutionary_republic_reform }
		NOT = { has_reform = revolutionary_empire_reform }

ming_crisis = {
	potential = {
		tag = MNG
		NOT = { has_country_flag = ming_crisis_happened }
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
peasant_war = {
	potential = {
		OR = {
			government = monarchy
			government = theocracy
		NOT = { has_reform = celestial_empire }
		NOT = { has_reform = steppe_horde }		
		uses_doom = no
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		num_of_cities = 5
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_peasant_war }
		current_age = age_of_discovery
religious_turmoil = {
	potential = {
		religion_group = christian
		current_age = age_of_reformation
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_religious_turmoil } 
		OR = {
			religion = catholic
			religion = protestant
			religion = reformed
		is_religion_enabled = protestant
		NOT = { tag = FRA }
		NOT = { has_country_modifier = counter_reformation } 
		is_force_converted = no

revolution = {
	potential = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_revolution }
		NOT = { tag = PAP }
		NOT = { tag = FRA }
		NOT = { has_reform = celestial_empire }
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		capital_scope = { continent = europe }
		num_of_cities = 30
		NOT = { revolution_target_exists = yes }
		current_age = age_of_revolutions

the_dacke_feud = {
	potential = {
		tag = SWE
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_the_dacke_feud }
		any_owned_province = {
			OR = {
				area = norrland_area
				area = svealand_area
				area = ostra_svealand_area
				area = gotaland_area
				area = vastra_gotaland_area
				area = skaneland_area

time_of_troubles = {
	potential = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = time_of_troubles }
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		OR = {
			AND = {
				tag = MOS
				NOT = { exists = RUS }
			tag = RUS
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes

war_of_the_roses = {
	potential = {
		tag = ENG
		normal_or_historical_nations = yes
		government = monarchy
		is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
		uses_doom = no
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_war_of_the_roses  }