

LOADING_TIP_0:0 "Province's Urbanization Capacity is determined by its Agriculture and Literacy."
LOADING_TIP_1:0 "Military leaders spawn in your country automatically, but you can also spend Monarchy Power to recruit them."
LOADING_TIP_2:0 "A country must embrace New World first to found a trading company. Trading company cannot be found or spread in your home continent."
LOADING_TIP_3:0 "Religious buildings and Education buildings speed up Literacy growth in the province."
LOADING_TIP_4:0 "Provinces with higher Literacy produce more Governance Capacity, but meanwhile consume more."
LOADING_TIP_5:0 "Road buildings increase a province's Urbanization Capacity."
LOADING_TIP_6:0 "University increases your country's Education Efficiency."
LOADING_TIP_7:0 "When a province's Commerce/Production Growth Progress reaches 100, 1 Agriculture of this province will convert to Commerce/Production."
LOADING_TIP_8:0 "Different government types have different GC modifiers for different cultures. For example, Constitutional Monarchy gives higher modifier for unaccepted culture, but lower modifier for primary culture compared with Enlighted Monarchy."
LOADING_TIP_9:0 "You can use Terrain Improvement Edict to improve a province with bad terrain."
LOADING_TIP_10:0 "Famine will break out in your provinces in Little Ice Age. Save some money and Monarchy Power to handle it."
LOADING_TIP_11:0 "Manufactories increase province's Production growth greatly."
LOADING_TIP_12:0 "When a province is suffering a famine or under enemy's occupation, the people there may migrate to the new world to make a living."
LOADING_TIP_13:0 "Tobacco planting is profitable, but will harm the province's production in the long term."
LOADING_TIP_14:0 "Commerce and Production increase a province's literacy growth, while Agriculture slows it down."
LOADING_TIP_15:0 "Converting culture is slower and more costy in Common Universalis. So plan ahead if you need more GC for conquest."
LOADING_TIP_16:0 "World conquest is not impossible in Common Universalis, but to achieve that you need to understand every aspect of the game first."
LOADING_TIP_17:0 "Don't expand too much when your Governance Occupancy is high."
LOADING_TIP_18:0 "Inflation is increased by province Commerce and reduced by province Production."
LOADING_TIP_19:0 "Mercantilism increase your trade power, trade steering and gives you additional merchants, but it hurts trade efficiency and increases corruption."
LOADING_TIP_20:0 "Each loan you take increase interest of future loans by 0.5% until paid off."
LOADING_TIP_21:0 "Policies have their pros and cons in CU, but they no longer cost Monarchy Power, so choose them wisely."
LOADING_TIP_22:0 "African inland provinces have huge GC panalty for foreign countries, this panalty is halved after you reach Diplomatic Technology 22."
LOADING_TIP_23:0 "Colonies in New World start empty, but they will develop fast enough to catch up with your domestic provinces with proper investment."
LOADING_TIP_24:0 "Urbanization will stop if province has not enough Urbanization Capacity, which is generated from Agriculture. Some buildings and province edicts can also increase Urbanization Capacity."
LOADING_TIP_25:0 "Religious Ideas and Humanist Ideas are mutually exclusive, so are Tradition Ideas and Renovation Ideas."
LOADING_TIP_32:0 "You don't need to core all conquered provinces, leave some for PAC is better."
LOADING_TIP_33:0 "The more autonomous your provinces are, the less tax and manpower you will get from them, but also the less OGC and unrest it will cause."
LOADING_TIP_34:0 "Light Ships and Transports can both be sent to Protect Trade, but you need at least one Light Ship in the fleet to conduct the mission."
LOADING_TIP_35:0 "Governance Maintenance Modifier affects both advisor cost and Occupied Governance Capacity from state provinces."
LOADING_TIP_42:0 "The cost for advisors increases as your country grows."
LOADING_TIP_45:0 "Accumulated Inflation reduces its yearly growth,so it will fix to a certain level."
LOADING_TIP_52:0 "Raising autonomy in a province will lower its Occupied Governance Capacity, but also reduce the Governance Capacity it produces."