

附属国类型能在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/subject_types/ 找到。



目前游戏中共有八类附属国,它们均定义在 /Europa Universalis IV/common/subject_types/ 中。


如仿照附属国vassal = { },你可以来命名建立新的附属国my_vassal = { }


default = {
	# Graphics:
	sprite = GFX_icon_vassal
	diplomacy_overlord_sprite = GFX_diplomacy_leadvassal # The one that the overlord sees
	diplomacy_subject_sprite = GFX_diplomacy_amvassal	# The one that the subject sees

	# Triggers:
	is_potential_overlord = { always = no } 			# This part is not copied in copy_from. Actual default is equivalent to always = yes
	can_be_established = { always = no }				# Ditto
	# Properties:
	has_overlords_ruler = no
	can_fight_independence_war = yes
	is_voluntary = no									# Whether they can leave the relationship whenever they want
	transfer_trade_power = no
	transfer_trade_if_merchant_republic = no
	joins_overlords_wars = yes
	joins_colonial_wars = no
	can_be_integrated = no
	can_release_and_play = no							# "Release Colony" in SubjectView
	uses_tariffs = no
	dynamically_created_during_history = no				# If the country is automatically created. ( Makes for special checks during history )
	eats_overlords_colonies = no						# Wheter subject assumes control of overlord's colonies in same colonial region.
	has_colonial_parent = no							# Regulates most rules that should hold only for colonies
	overlord_can_attack = yes
	overlord_can_be_subject = no
	can_have_subjects_of_other_types = no
	can_be_annexed = no
	takes_diplo_slot = yes
	has_power_projection = yes
	can_release_in_peace = yes
	uses_military_focus = yes
	overlord_protects_external = no						# Whether overlord always gets called (declinable) against countries without the same overlord. When this is 'no' overlord will only join if the defender would have been blocked (by its subject type) from attacking the attacker.
	counts_for_borders = yes							# Whether distance between borders counts this subject type as part of its overlord's borders.
	overlord_enforce_peace_attacking = no				# Whether the overlord can enforce peace on the subject's enemy even when the subject is the attacker
	can_use_claims = yes								# Whether the overlord can use the subject's claims and cores for declaring war
	gives_daimyo_bonuses = no
	gets_help_with_rebels = no							# Only for AI. Bidirectional.
	share_rebel_popup = yes								# Whether the Overlord gets popups about Subject's rebels and sees them in Stability View.
	separatists_become_subjects = no					# Whether separatist rebels enforcing demands will become subjects of the overlord.
	allows_taking_land_without_independence = no
	can_transfer_in_peace = yes							# Whether this subject type can be made into a vassal with the "Transfer Subject" Age Ability.
	can_set_mil_focus = yes
	can_send_missionary_to_subject = yes				# Requires Cradle of Civilization
	can_union_break = no								# Only works together with has_overlords_ruler
	overlord_can_fabricate_for = yes
	does_overlord_size_count_for_warscore_cost = yes
	is_colony_subtype = no
	is_march = no
	forms_trade_companies = yes
	can_concentrate_development = yes

	max_government_rank = 0								# 0 means no limit
	cities_required_for_bonuses = 0						# How many cities the subject needs before giving bonuses to overlord
	trust_on_start = 35									# Overlord and subject will each get this much extra trust with each other at game start

	base_liberty_desire = 0.0
	liberty_desire_negative_prestige = 0.0
	liberty_desire_development_ratio = 0.0
	liberty_desire_same_dynasty = 0.0
	liberty_desire_revolution = 30.0					# Liberty desire at 100% revolution spread in country
	pays_overlord = 0.0									# 1.0 represents the amount payed by vassals
	forcelimit_bonus = 0.0								# 1.0 represents bonus from having a vassal
	forcelimit_to_overlord = 0.0						# Percent of subject FL to use as base for modifiers
	naval_forcelimit_bonus = 0.0						# 1.0 represents bonus from having a vassal
	naval_forcelimit_to_overlord = 0.0					# Percent of subject FL to use as base for modifiers
	manpower_bonus = 0.0								# 1.0 represents bonus from having a vassal
	manpower_to_overlord = 0.0							# Percent of subject FL to use as base for modifiers
	sailors_bonus = 0.0									# 1.0 represents bonus from having a vassal
	sailors_to_overlord = 0.0							# Percent of subject FL to use as base for modifiers
	military_focus = 1.0								# How much the AI subject should spend etc. on army and forts. 0 should make them spend nothing. Very high values will probably not make a big difference since there will be sanity checks.

	relative_power_class = 1 							# See description above
	should_quit_wars_on_activation = yes
	diplomacy_view_class = 1							# See description above
	can_fight = {
	can_rival = {
	can_ally = {
	can_marry = {

	# Subject Interactions:
	# (continuous)
	embargo_rivals = yes
	support_loyalists = no
	subsidize_armies = no
	scutage = no
	send_officers = no
	divert_trade= no
	# (immediate)
	placate_rulers = yes
	place_relative_on_throne = no
	enforce_religion = yes
	customize_subject = no
	replace_governor = no
	grant_province = yes
	enforce_culture = no
	siphon_income = no
	fortify_march = no
	seize_territory = no
	start_colonial_war = no
	grant_core_claim = yes
	sacrifice_ruler = no
	sacrifice_heir = no
	increase_tariffs = no
	decrease_tariffs = no
	takeondebt = yes
	bestow_gifts = no
	send_additional_troops = no
	demand_artifacts = no
	demand_additional_tribute = no
	force_seppuku = no
	press_sailors = no
	contribute_to_capital = no
	force_isolation = no
	return_land = no
	conscript_general = no
	knowledge_sharing = yes
	block_settlement_growth = yes
	allow_settlement_growth = yes
	change_colonial_type = no
	upgrade_subject_type = no

	# (special)
	sword_hunt = no
	sankin_kotai = no
	expel_ronin = no

	# Modifiers:
	modifier_subject = clear # Use this to clear after copy_from.
	modifier_subject = { # Otherwise, this only adds modifiers, and doesn't remove previously added.
		modifier = subject_nation
	modifier_overlord = clear

	overlord_opinion_modifier = null # If not "null" it will look for a modifier with that name in 00_opinion_modifiers.txt and other files in that directory.
	subject_opinion_modifier = null


vassal = {
	copy_from = default
	# Graphics:                                                
	sprite = GFX_icon_vassal
	diplomacy_overlord_sprite = GFX_diplomacy_leadvassal
	diplomacy_subject_sprite = GFX_diplomacy_amvassal

	# Properties:                                              
	transfer_trade_if_merchant_republic = yes
	can_be_annexed = yes
	has_power_projection = no
	gets_help_with_rebels = yes

	max_government_rank = 1

	liberty_desire_development_ratio = 0.25
	liberty_desire_same_dynasty = -5.0
	pays_overlord = 1.0
	forcelimit_bonus = 1.0
	forcelimit_to_overlord = 0.1

	relative_power_class = 2
	restoration_cb = cb_disloyal_vassal

	# Subject Interactions:                                    
	scutage = yes
	place_relative_on_throne = yes
	sacrifice_ruler = yes
	sacrifice_heir = yes
	divert_trade = yes
	seize_territory = yes

	# Modifiers:                                               
	modifier_subject = {
		modifier = vassal_nation
	modifier_overlord = {
		modifier = vassal_subject

	overlord_opinion_modifier = is_vassal
	subject_opinion_modifier = is_vassal

copy_from = default用于定义附属国预设属性。

Graphics中三项内容用于定义附属国的图标,图标可以在/Europa Universalis IV/interface/*.gfx中进行自定义。




Properties 下内容用于定义附属国的基本属性,具体可参考下列表格内容。

Subject Interactions下内容用于定义附属国的交互方式,具体可参考下列表格内容。

Modifiers 下内容用于定义附属国的国家修正。



2.自定义的交互方式可以通过可编写脚本的方式(参见 /Europa Universalis IV/common/subject_types/底部的“dummy”)来创建,请注意!该功能目前并不完善。




5.count = x is used (means it "counts as" x in some triggers).

6.运用copy将复制除 count, is_potential_overlord 和 can_be_established以外的所有内容。


是殖民地或前殖民地(is_colonial_nation & is_former_colonial_nation)将决定是否设置“has_colonial_parent = yes”这一标志(用于成立美国等国家)。

是(is_lesser_in_union, junior_union_with, senior_union_with & years_in_union_under)将决定是否设置checks the 'has_overlords_ruler = yes'这一标志。



vassal = {}
march = {}
daimyo_vassal = {}
personal_union = {}
client_vassal = {}
client_march = {}
colony = {}
tributary_state = {}
{{red|my_vassal = { }}}

default = { }为预设内容,它包括了附属国的一些基本属性和交互功能。

default = { }可以通过copy_from = default的方式被其他附属国引用。


is_potential_overlord = { always = no } 附属国类型由宗主决定

can_be_established = { always = no }附属国可以被成立


代码 使用方法 效果 备注
has_overlords_ruler has_overlords_ruler = yes 附属国和宗主是否有相同统治者 联统国拥有该条目
can_fight_independence_war can_fight_independence_war = yes 附属国是否可以发动独立战争
is_voluntary is_voluntary = no 附属国是否可以主动取消和宗主的关系
transfer_trade_power transfer_trade_power = no 附属国是否可以向宗主转移贸易竞争力
transfer_trade_if_merchant_republic transfer_trade_if_merchant_republic = no 如果宗主是商业共和国,附属国是否可以向宗主转移贸易竞争力 适用于商业共和国
joins_overlords_wars joins_overlords_wars = yes 附属国是否参与宗主战争
joins_colonial_wars joins_colonial_wars = no 附属国是否参与殖民地战争 与上一条相似,启用时宗主宣战会有一个“宣布殖民战争”的选项,勾选后将不能召唤启用了上一条的附属国,但是会召唤启用了本条的附属国
can_be_integrated can_be_integrated = no 附属国是否可以被合并 吞并机制相同,但条件略有不同
can_release_and_play can_release_and_play = no 附属国是否可以被释放并被游玩 殖民地国家的释放在殖民地国家的视图中
uses_tariffs uses_tariffs = no 附属国可以使用关税系统 建议与增加、减少关税的互动方式一同使用
dynamically_created_during_history dynamically_created_during_history = no 如果附属国是自定义建立的则是否考虑动态历史关系 如后期剧本殖民地国家归属宗主的问题
eats_overlords_colonies eats_overlords_colonies = no 附属国是否可以接收宗主的海外殖民地 仅限于殖民地范围内地区(西伯利亚拓荒站不受此限制)
has_colonial_parent has_colonial_parent = no 附属国是否拥有殖民宗主国 如果拥有殖民宗主国则不可以建立殖民地同时将被染成宗主国的颜色。
overlord_can_attack overlord_can_attack = yes 附属国是否可以被宗主宣战
overlord_can_be_subject overlord_can_be_subject = no 宗主国是否也可以是一个附属国
can_have_subjects_of_other_types can_have_subjects_of_other_types = no 附属国可以拥有其他类型的附属国
can_be_annexed can_be_annexed = no 附属国可以被吞并 合并机制相同,但条件略有不同
takes_diplo_slot takes_diplo_slot = yes 附属国是否占用外交关系
has_power_projection has_power_projection = yes 附属国是否可以拥有力量投射
can_release_in_peace can_release_in_peace = yes 附属国是否可以被和平释放 与CB有关
uses_military_focus uses_military_focus = yes 附属国是否应用军事焦点
  • 建议与改变附属国军事焦点的互动方式一同使用;
  • 由于界面覆盖问题,不可与朝贡机制一同使用。
overlord_protects_external overlord_protects_external = no 附属国是否受到宗主国额外保护
  • 附属国遭到另一个不能被该附属国宣战(在can_fight = { }中定义)的国家宣战时,宗主始终会自动加入防御方,且充当战争领袖;例:对一个附庸宣战,宗主国会自动卷入。
  • 如果该项为“是”,则附属国遭到另一个能被该附属国宣战的国家宣战时,宗主国会收到战争召唤,但不充当战争领袖;若该项为“否”,则没有此效果。例:对一个朝贡国宣战,宗主可能加入也可能拒绝。
counts_for_borders counts_for_borders = yes 在计算边界距离时,是否将该附属国的边界视作宗主的边界 朝贡国一般使用该机制
overlord_enforce_peace_attacking overlord_enforce_peace_attacking = no 当附属国对另一国家宣战时,宗主是否可以强制白和
can_use_claims can_use_claims = yes 宗主是否可以凭借附属国的核心或宣称宣战
gives_daimyo_bonuses gives_daimyo_bonuses = no 附属国是否获得大名加成 大名附庸一般使用该机制
gets_help_with_rebels gets_help_with_rebels = no 附属国是否会帮助宗主剿灭叛军
share_rebel_popup share_rebel_popup = yes 宗主是否会弹出关于附属国叛军的消息,并在稳定度界面看到内容 朝贡国一般使用该机制
separatists_become_subjects separatists_become_subjects = no 附属国爆出来的分离主义者叛军成立的国家是否会成为领主的附属国
allows_taking_land_without_independence allows_taking_land_without_independence = no 附属国对宗主宣战时,允许在没有获得独立的情况下获得土地
can_transfer_in_peace can_transfer_in_peace = yes 附属国是否可以成为时代能力“转移附属国”的主体
can_set_mil_focus can_set_mil_focus = yes 附属国是否可以被宗主改变军事焦点
  • 建议与应用附属国军事焦点的互动方式一同使用
  • 由于界面覆盖问题,不可与朝贡机制一同使用
can_send_tribute can_send_tribute = yes 朝贡系统开关 可以要求附属国朝贡,如果这项是关闭,系统将不会认为是附属国是朝贡国,不会按朝贡国数量增加天命。
can_send_missionary_to_subject can_send_missionary_to_subject = yes 宗主可以对附属国进行传教
  • 需要文明的摇篮文明的摇篮
  • 传教力量为宗主的传教力量,目标宗教为附属国的宗教。
can_union_break can_union_break = no 宗主可以强制解除附属关系 只有在has_overlords_ruler = yes时才有效
overlord_can_fabricate_for overlord_can_fabricate_for = yes 宗主可以帮助附属国建造建筑物
max_government_rank max_government_rank = 0 附属国最大政府等级 0意味着不受限制
cities_required_for_bonuses cities_required_for_bonuses = 0 附属国拥有多少块土地时,宗主可以得到奖励 殖民地一般适用该机制
trust_on_start trust_on_start = 35 当游戏开始时,附属国和宗主可以相互之间得到多少基础信任
base_liberty_desire base_liberty_desire = 0.0 附属国的基础独立倾向 加法
liberty_desire_negative_prestige liberty_desire_negative_prestige = 0.0 附属国的因为领主负声望而获得的独立倾向加成 乘法
liberty_desire_development_ratio liberty_desire_development_ratio = 0.0 附属国因为自身发展度而得到的独立倾向加成 乘法
liberty_desire_same_dynasty liberty_desire_same_dynasty = 0.0 附属国因为与领主的同王朝关系而得到的独立倾向变化 加法
pays_overlord pays_overlord = 0.0 附属国向领主缴纳的税收奖励系数 乘法
forcelimit_bonus forcelimit_bonus = 0.0 附属国的军队上限奖励系数 乘法
forcelimit_to_overlord forcelimit_to_overlord = 0.0 附属国增加宗主的军队上限奖励系数 乘法
military_focus military_focus = 1.0 附属国在军队和要塞上花多少钱的系数 乘法
relative_power_class relative_power_class = 1 相对实力等级决定了当考虑到对宗主的发展度数及国家实力时,附属国独立倾向如何计算
  • 0表示他们不会考虑与宗主的相对实力;
  • 1表示只会考虑自己和支持自己独立的所有国家的实力总和与宗主的相对实力;
  • 否则,他们将考虑自己、自己的盟国、支持自己独立的所有国家、所有具有相同的relative_power_class值的附庸、他们的盟国、支持他们独立的所有国家的实力总和与其宗主的相对实力
diplomacy_view_class diplomacy_view_class = 1 外交视角等级决定了在外交视角地图和国家外交关系上是否显示附属国 0表示不会列出#1表示与其他附庸一起列出
can_fight = { } can_fight = { same_overlord = daimyo_vassal } 附属国可以向谁宣战
can_rival = { } can_rival = { same_overlord = daimyo_vassal } 附属国可以对谁宿敌
can_ally = { } can_ally = { same_overlord = daimyo_vassal } 附属国可以与谁同盟
can_marry = { } can_marry = { same_overlord = daimyo_vassal } 附属国可以与谁联姻


代码 使用方法 效果 备注
embargo_rivals embargo_rivals = yes 禁运宿敌 持续效果
support_loyalists support_loyalists = no 资助效忠派 持续效果
subsidize_armies subsidize_armies = no 补贴军队 持续效果
scutage scutage = no 征收兵役税 持续效果
send_officers send_officers = no 派遣军官 持续效果
divert_trade divert_trade= no 转移贸易 持续效果
placate_rulers placate_rulers = yes 安抚统治者 即时效果
place_relative_on_throne place_relative_on_throne = no 扶持宗室上位 即时效果
enforce_religion enforce_religion = yes 强迫改变宗教 即时效果
customize_subject customize_subject = no 仆从国名称 即时效果;只对动态tag有效,对常规tag无效(主要是C序列殖民地和K序列自建附庸国)
replace_governor replace_governor = no 更换统治者 即时效果
grant_province grant_province = yes 授予省份 即时效果
enforce_culture enforce_culture = no 强迫转变文化 即时效果
siphon_income siphon_income = no 榨取收入 即时效果
fortify_march fortify_march = no 为卫戍建设要塞 即时效果
seize_territory seize_territory = no 强占领土 即时效果
start_colonial_war start_colonial_war = no 发动殖民战争 即时效果
grant_core_claim grant_core_claim = yes 授予核心 即时效果
sacrifice_ruler sacrifice_ruler = no 献祭统治者 即时效果;纳瓦特尔宗教、末日值相关
sacrifice_heir sacrifice_heir = no 献祭继承人 即时效果;纳瓦特尔宗教、末日值相关
increase_tariffs increase_tariffs = no 增加关税 即时效果;必须与uses_tariffs搭配使用。
decrease_tariffs decrease_tariffs = no 降低关税 即时效果;必须与uses_tariffs搭配使用。
takeondebt takeondebt = yes 承担债务 即时效果
bestow_gifts bestow_gifts = no 赠送礼物 即时效果
send_additional_troops send_additional_troops = no 派遣额外部队 即时效果
demand_artifacts demand_artifacts = no 要求威望 即时效果
demand_additional_tribute demand_additional_tribute = no 要求额外贡品 即时效果
force_seppuku force_seppuku = no 强迫切腹 即时效果
press_sailors press_sailors = no 征用水手 即时效果
contribute_to_capital contribute_to_capital = no 要求贡献给首都 即时效果
force_isolation force_isolation = no 强迫改变孤立倾向 即时效果;神道教相关
return_land return_land = no 归还土地 即时效果
conscript_general conscript_general = no 征召陆军将领 即时效果
knowledge_sharing knowledge_sharing = yes 分享思潮 即时效果
sword_hunt sword_hunt = no 刀狩令 即时效果;确定幕府政体能力影响对象
sankin_kotai sankin_kotai = no 参觐交代 即时效果;确定幕府政体能力影响对象
expel_ronin expel_ronin = no 驱逐浪人 即时效果;确定幕府政体能力影响对象
allow_settlement_growth allow_settlement_growth = no 允许垦殖 即时效果
block_settlement_growth block_settlement_growth = no 阻止垦殖 即时效果

modifier_subject = clear 消除附属国的修正。

modifier_subject = { modifier = subject_nation }必须与前款搭配使用,否则只会添加附属国的修正,而不会删除以前添加的附属国的修正。

modifier_overlord = clear消除附属国所属宗主的修正

overlord_opinion_modifier = null如果这里不是“null”,它将在00_opinion_modifiers.txt和该目录中的其他文件中对应具体的修正。

subject_opinion_modifier = null如果这里不是“null”,它将在00_opinion_modifiers.txt和该目录中的其他文件中对应具体的修正。


附属国本地化文件路径为/Europa Universalis IV/localisation/subject_type_l_english.yml/,前面是原版路径,不过在任意本地化路径中进行本地化也可(有测试过)


 <string>: ""
 <string>_title: ""
 <string>_title_plural: ""
 <string>_long_desc: ""
 <string>_is_our: ""
