1.36.X 版本

Winds of Change.png 变革之风
King of Kings.png 万王之王
Domination.png 霸业
Lions of the North.png 北方雄狮
Origins.png 起源
Leviathan.png 利维坦
Emperor.png 皇帝
Golden Century.png 黄金世纪
Dharma.png 达摩
Rule Britannia.png 统治吧,不列颠尼亚
Cradle of Civilization.png 文明的摇篮
Third Rome.png 第三罗马
Mandate of Heaven.png 天命
Rights of Man.png 人权
Mare Nostrum.png 我们的海
The Cossacks.png 哥萨克
Common Sense.png 常识
El Dorado.png 黄金国
Art of War.png 孙子兵法
Res Publica.png 公共事务
Wealth of Nations.png 国富论
Conquest of Paradise.png 天堂征服
EU4 icon.png 基础版本



主条目:1.36 版本





  • 修复了军区(Themata)事件的拼写错误。
  • 在国家修正列表中添加了特殊单位修正。



  • 修复了阻止完成成就的错误,现在当您选择祆教路线时,您将可以获得成就“万王之王”。
  • 当你成立埃兰沙赫尔而不是波斯时,现在可以完成成就“这就是波斯”,“祆地利”和“沙汗沙”。
  • 成就“祆地利”、“世界粮仓”和“沙漠力量”现在仅在启用万王之王 DLC 时才会显示,否则无法完成成就。
  • 修正了成就“穆罕默德的野望”突出显示的省份,以便它正确显示所需的省份。
  • 成就“80年环游世界”现在正确地需要省份旧金山。


  • 修复了事件“任命国务大臣”中“大维齐尔:审讯官”的修正,由波斯的决议“选拔大维齐尔”触发。现在,它会增加而不是减少从战斗中获得的战争分数。
  • 波斯的祆教事件链现在对你造成更大的打击,因为在事件链中将会有更多的叛军。
  • 减少了事件“艺术迸发”的艺术进度惩罚。按照经验来说,现在大约在 10 个事件之后艺术品的创作就完成了。
  • 现在每个国家只会触发一次事件“桑占的帕西人避难所”,但触发的几率更高。
  • 当波斯正在经历祆教事件链时,事件“信仰的质疑”将不再被波斯触发。
  • 事件“伊梅列季宣布独立”现在只会在灾难期间且当你不是附庸时触发。
  • 修正了一个罕见的错误,现在篡权者叛军如果执行他们的要求,不能触发获得 10 帝国权威的事件。
  • 事件“拒绝纳税”现在有一个转到按钮。
  • 为有关贸易公司投资的多个事件添加了转到按钮。
  • 为事件“巴利亚多利德争论”添加了自定义工具提示。


  • 波斯任务“征服高加索”不再要求你直接控制省份。
  • 波斯任务“扩大我国影响”现在考虑到已接纳文化与同文化组的文化。
  • 修复了一个错误,该错误删除了您为了完成波斯任务“诗歌的语言”而转换文化的省份计数器。
  • 完成格鲁吉亚任务“罗马王座”不再把亚美尼亚文化从已接纳文化中移除。最重要的是,格鲁吉亚文化不会同时成为已接纳文化和主流文化。
  • 格鲁吉亚任务“瓦赫坦的继承”在开局事件选择之前无法完成。
  • 格鲁吉亚任务“阻止崩溃”现在给出与阶层忠诚度相关的正确奖励。
  • 更改了亚美尼亚任务“大元帅府署”的任务图标。
  • 增加了白羊和黑羊任务的正统性替代品要求。
  • 如果霸业 DLC 未启用,万王之王 DLC 的白羊任务和基础游戏白羊任务不再重合。
  • 黑羊的任务“终结帖木儿王朝”现在可以正确授予点数奖励。
  • 为阿尔达比勒任务“创建萨法维教团”添加了替代方案,防止在缺少黄金世纪 DLC 的情况下任务无法完成。
  • 修复了埃及的一个触发器阻止任务“伊斯兰世界的心脏”的要求计算西化度的问题。
  • 马穆鲁克任务“北方领土”现在只获得安纳托利亚关键省份的宣称而不是整个地区的宣称。
  • 调整了默认帖木儿任务的图标以消除重复图标。
  • 提供已接纳文化和文化槽的任务奖励现在会提到,当您已经接纳该文化时,您将获得+100 外交点作为替代奖励。
  • 添加了更灵活的预览 GUI,允许您同时预览最多 3 批分支任务。
  • 桑海、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、奥斯曼、大明、大清的分支任务,与神圣罗马帝国相关的法兰西任务分支,以及与军事相关的日本任务分支现在都有预览按钮。马里、刚果、波兰、哥得兰的分支任务、日本的宗教相关任务分支、法兰西的意大利相关任务分支以及英格兰/大不列颠/安茹的分支任务将在没有预览按钮的情况下继续存在一段时间,因为它们的任务树结构需要未来更深入的修复。
  • 阿拉贡任务“海洋领事馆”现在可以用任何贸易建筑来满足要求。
  • 某些概览界面的案例接受天命将不再获得新任务。
  • 刚果任务“名副其实的王国”现在只有当它们是君主制时才要求正统性。
  • 删除了桑海任务“征服廷巴克图”中重复的永久宣称。
  • 毛利任务“表演哈卡舞”不再需要前置任务“积累玛那”以兼容自定义国家。
  • 科堡将使用法兰克尼亚通用任务。
  • 神州群雄任务“大明的陨落”现在正确地给予 +1 科技等级。


  • 伟大工程“纳里卡拉堡”现在没有文化要求。
  • 叙利亚现在开局有了一个合适的统治者。
  • 决议“宣布汉萨同盟新生”不再要求少于 20 个省份。


  • 白羊现在可以在没有万王之王 DLC 的情况下成立波斯。
  • 修正了一些任务标题在德语和西班牙语本地化翻译中无法正确显示的问题。
  • 波斯时代能力现在可供埃兰沙赫尔使用。
  • 奇兹尔巴什阶层议程“赢得一场光荣的战斗”现在随着时代的变化而扩大其要求和陆军传统奖励。
  • 修复了斯忒狄奥提骑兵的单位描述拼写错误。
  • 监领地君主制现在仅适用于首先选择它的自定义国家。
  • 拜占庭第 3 级政府改革“恢复行政总理官”(汉化平台显示这条有疑问,可能后续会改翻译)现在根据政治家的技能等级提供适当的全局自治度降低。
  • 婆罗门阶层特权“建设神庙”现在在建造税收建筑时正确获得修正。
  • 文化影响范围内的国家现在算作自治附庸国(换句话说:像“is_subject_other_than_tributary_trigger(非朝贡属国)” 和 “is_free_or_tributary_trigger(独立国家或朝贡国)” 这样的触发器现在也包含这种新的附属国类型)。
  • 对于没有黄金世纪 DLC 的玩家,在万王之王 DLC 和霸业 DLC 中增加了修会的替代品。
  • 伟大工程“白宫”现在可被所有前殖民领和首都位于北美或南美的国家使用。


  • 修复了 Shift 右键单击多个提示时的崩溃问题。
  • 修复了与 0 规模海军相关的崩溃问题。
  • 修复了过度扩张影响修正影响过度扩张的问题。
  • 修复了尝试移除尚未建造的建筑物目标时闪烁的确认键。
  • 之前显示顾问便宜 -100% 的工具提示现在会提示顾问贵 100%。
  • 在贸易节点视图中选择商人时,不再显示修正图标和收集/转移贸易额的文本。
  • 修复了修正 “fluence_to_vassal_elevation_cost(晋升花费)” 缺失的修正图标。
  • 修复了修正 “has_marines(可招募海军陆战队)” 的图标。
  • 修复了特权图标的正统性图标太低的问题。





  • 加入了特征custom_desc,效果类似custom_names,不过是用来显示阶层的自定义描述。



  • 成就“圣乔治的遗产”现在可以通过附庸 英格兰 大不列颠来完成。
  • 成就“圣乔治的遗产”现在也计入成立了其他国家的国家。
  • 改进了成就“巴西琉斯”的描述以明确所要求的版图是东罗马帝国的。
  • 成立 斯堪的纳维亚不再妨碍获得成就“挪威的森林”。
  • 成就“这就是波斯”现在可以通过成立 埃兰沙赫尔来完成。


  • 重建拜占庭帝国现在会把该国变为君主制并给予拜占庭独裁专制政府改革。
  • 以白羊或黑羊成立罗姆现在会把国名改为塞尔柱帝国,在此之上,成立塞尔柱帝国会保留白羊或黑羊的任务。
  • 修复了部族阶层的决议“贡献勇士”中的数字错误。


  • 事件“Parsi Sanctuary in Sanjan”现在不再要求有一位Parsi文化的顾问了。
  • MEE_Byzantine_Events.33 about the Ottomans building a castle that would no longer fire if Byzantium won a war against them.
  • Fixed a bug where the event "Ottoman Troops Haul Ships" had the wrong event option text.
  • The event "The Tripolitanian Rebellion" will now correctly trigger with Tripoli as the revolter tag, not Trier.
  • Fixed a small typo for the Teutonic event effects which explains the mission paths.
  • Removed reference to 'nodynasty' in the event consort_events.56's description.


  • Enabled the government reform "Karimi Merchants" for King of Kings DLC, as originally intended.
  • The government reform "Persian Government" is now available to Zoroastrian Custom Nations.
  • The "Legacy of the Safavid" government reform is now linked to the Feudal Theocracy Mechanic. This means gaining the Caliphate will no longer automatically remove the Safavid reform.
  • The government reform "Reform the Pronoia System" is now only available to you if you have King of Kings, as intended; the modifiers do not make sense otherwise.
  • The government reform "Reform the Pronoia System" is now exclusively available to those who have the Pronoia Mechanic active.
  • The government reform "Reform the Pronoia" is available to Roman countries too.
  • Fixed missing localization for when you hover over the Pronoia icon to see what effects they have.


  • Fixed a typo for the Eranshahr ideas which mentioned a "Zoro" and his infamous religion of "Zoroastrian".


  • Mamluk's "Center of the Islamic World" mission now takes colonial subjects into account when measuring cultural unification.
  • Mamluks no longer receive ex machina cash by canceling the Suez Canal.
  • The "Highway of an Empire" Mamluk mission now checks for control and siege.
  • The Mamluk Mission "Highway of an Empire" now requires at least 5 buildings in the Sharqiya province and no free building slots.
  • Fixed a bug for the Persian "Restore the Avesta" mission where the core was not correctly applied to the province of Daman.
  • The Persian mission "Restore the Avesta" will no longer block you from converting your own heretic/heathen provinces to the true faith via Trade Policies.
  • Fixed the province highlighting of "A New Eranshahr" / "Indomitable Lion".
  • The Persian mission "Protect the West Iranian" now requires 8 Kurdish provinces instead of 10. It also has a fallback in case there are no more Kurdish provinces in the world.
  • The second option of the mission reward event "Future of the Pronoia System" will now only trigger the Crownland gain from inheritances every 5 years.
  • The estate privilege unlocked by the Byzantine mission "Recover Authority" is no longer locked behind the Byzantine tag.
  • Reduced the number of province requirements for the mission geo_catholicos_patriarch.
  • Reduced the Patriarch Authority gain per advisor level from the geo_cathedral_living_pillar mission.
  • The Byzantine mission "Church in Distress" now requires 20% Patriarch Authority instead of 2000.
  • Completing the 'Reorganize the State' mission as Aq Qoyunlu no longer removes the 'Tribal Unity' government reform.
  • The AQ and QQ mission "Repopulate Iran" now only requires 500 instead of 600 total development in Persia and only 5 instead of 10 provinces with 15 dev.
  • The AQ and QQ mission "Turco-Persian Architecture" now requires you to have 15 Temples, 15 Workshops and 5 Market Places instead of 20 of each.
  • The AQ and QQ mission "Legacy of the Seljuk" now only requires you to own 10 provinces in the Khorasan region instead of the whole region.
  • The AQ and QQ missions "Break Timur's Bloodline" no longer require you to own Herat. Instead, they will now require you that the Timurids have no provinces in the Persia region.
  • Fixed a bug for the Yemen mission "Expel the Sunni" which showed the wrong number of wars to win.
  • Added a fallback requirement for the mission "Uniting the Tribes" for NA natives.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Dakota's mission 'Village to the End' from being completed.
  • Added a helpful tip in Pegu's mission "Reconquer Dvaravati" to indicate possible rewards if AYU is a subject.
  • Fixed an error with the Hungarian and Bohemian missions for Poland.
  • Fixed a bug with removing Ming's "Monopoly on Horses" when a subject no longer controls Lhasa.
  • Simplified the mission rewards of the EoC mission "Examination System".
  • The EoC mission "Examination System" now highlights Xi'An.
  • Lubeck's "Organize Hanseatic Diets" mission should now scope to trade league members and subjects in the requirements.
  • Crusader missions will now require the tag to be independent or a subject of another Catholic nation.
  • Fixed a tooltip bug for the Swedish mission "The German Coastline" where it promises -15% CCR instead of -10%.
  • Fixed the missing modifier "Germanic Alliance" for the Swedish mission "The German Coastline".
  • Added a helpful tip for the reward of the Restore Hariphunchai mission for Pegu.
  • The event Diplomacy with the Emperor of China now correctly appears for the owner of Kyoto.


  • Fixed a small typo for the startup screen for Byzantium.
  • Renamed the Georgian Culture of the Byzantine Culture Group into "Greco-Georgian".
  • As a native, you can no longer get the "Push Back the Colonizers" CB against other natives or their tribal land.
  • Shirvan no longer starts with a Shia school as a Sunni country.
  • Fixed a dynasty typo for Shirvan. Now their rulers are of the dynasty Derbendi instead of the Derbendid.


  • Eyalets, Sphere of Cultural Influence subjects and Pronoias get turned into vassals if their overlord gets annexed by a country that cannot support these subject types.
  • Fixed the missing number of Zoroastrian Invitations in the UI if you have no invitations set yet.
  • Fixed missing localization for the description of the Zoroastrian Holy Sites.
  • Adjusted the localization for the "Supremacy over the Aristocracy" privilege if you are Zoroastrian as Persia.
  • The Qizilbash estate has now an Aswaran description should you become Zoroastrian. Also replaced some Qizilbash mentions with the dynamic Aswaran name in case you are Zoroastrian. Note: the unit name is static and cannot be adjusted...
  • Fixed the weird adjective for Eranshahr to Iranian.
  • The naval doctrine "Tactica" is now available to countries of the Roman primary culture too.
  • Releasing Sapmi via Return Province will now spawn them as Catholics instead of Fetishists (they are not Animist to avoid making the Norse events easier to get).
  • The estate privilege "Promote Single Market" now benefits from Court Ideas' absolutism penalty reduction.
  • The peace treaty "Claim the Norwegian Throne" will no longer mention that Denmark becomes a subject.
  • Fixed missing localization for the Ahmudan System once you are attacked/attacking somebody.


  • Landing a Pronoia no longer clears accumulated liberty desire effects.
  • Ottoman decadence no longer influenced by yearly government power modifier.
  • Fixed the issue where you would get 25 karma per enemy when honoring a call to arms.
  • Fixed an issue where special units would require double manpower to reinforce.
  • Fixed issue for custom nation ideas modifiers missing labels.
  • Fixed issue with the "For The Glory" achievement.
  • Fixed issue with "End Latin Favouritism" decision checking monthly trade income.
  • Fixed crashes related to technology specifying unit types that don't have files specified for them.
  • Fixed crash related to modifiers for subunits not belonging to a unit.
  • Fixed crash related to assigning holy orders while changing UI.
  • Fixed a CTD related to the carpet siege army mission.
  • Fixed CTDs related to threading if one of the tasks takes too long.
